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Hi there! My name is Brandon, and I'm the Webmaster of Mind Gone By. When I'm not working my regular job, I spend most of my time enjoying hobbies with my girlfriend. I collect movies of many genres (mainly horror), read older books, play old video games, and various other things. Because almost everything I think of has to do with the past, at times it feels like my mind is stuck on times gone by. Hence... "Mind Gone By." Clever, huh? Yeah, I didn't think so, either.

I created Mind Gone By to be my own little corner of the internet, and as a tribute to the personal pages of the 1990s-2000s before social media took over everything. Other than the occasional Reddit post, this is my only home online. If you'd like to read more about how and why I made this site, check out my very first What's On My Mind post: Launch Day: Why Did I Make This?

If you like this page, feel free to use this button and link me! :)

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