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A Very Busy Week and a Few Updates, Too

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February 23rd, 2025

What a wild week! I haven't been quite as productive on here as I'd like to be, but a lot of stuff has been going on that took my attention away from the site for a little bit. First, we got hit with a pretty nasty snowstorm where I live. I think it snowed four or five times last week, and while it wasn't as bad as last month's storm, conditions were still super slick that made my drives to work just awful. On top of that, my car has been repeatedly breaking down for almost a month, so I've had to deal with mechanics and all that fun stuff. All of that going on has had me pretty drained, and I haven't had the time or energy to be able to get a page done per day. I am still working though, even if it isn't at my desired speed.

All that aside, I do have a few things that I'm doing at the moment. I'm still continuing to watch through my Lucio Fulci films and making pages for each one. I had originally wanted to go through them in release order, but I think they may get shuffled around a little. I'll be having a triple feature of City of the Living Dead, The Beyond, and The House by the Cemetery this upcoming Saturday with two good friends of mine. Even though I've seen those movies a few times, I usually feel like I write better after a fresh viewing of a movie. So, I'll be holding off on making pages for those three until I finish rewatching them. In the meantime, I should have pages for The Black Cat (1981), The New York Ripper, Manhattan Baby, and maybe even Murder Rock rolling out this week. I'm having so much fun going through Fulci's movies again since it's been a few years since I've been able to do so. I'm also really looking forward to finally watching his low-budget later movies, even if they end up being inferior to all of the classics. I also found a couple of oddities that I'd never heard of before, such as Conquest (which is some kind of fantasy movie), and Warriors of the Year 2072 (which looks to be a Mad Max / Escape from New York cash-in). I don't own those yet, but as soon as I can snag some copies, they'll be getting pages as well.

On the book side of things, I have to admit that I haven't been reading nearly as much as I'd like to. I started reading Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange last month, which so far is a fantastic book and is just as good as its film adaptation. I only have about 60 pages left to go, but sadly, my attention span has been so shot from the stresses of car troubles and my job that I just haven't been able to pick it back up. On the plus side, things seem to be calming down a little bit, so hopefully I'll be able to get that finished before too long. I also recently revisited the original five Oz books in audio form at my job, so I'll probably be making a page for those in the near future as well.

On a final note, I'm also working on adding another page to the site's sidebar: "Cool Sites"! I think I first kicked this idea around a couple of weeks ago, but now I'm actually starting to lay it out. This will be a continuously updated page that gathers the buttons for various sites I like on Neocities, Nekoweb, and other places. I'll also have a simple list of site links for those that don't have buttons. A couple of users have been kind enough to add my button to their pages, and the fact that someone would take the time to do that means the world to me. I'm going to return the favor as soon as I can get this page rolled out. With its current progress, I may be able to get it up by this upcoming weekend!

That's all from me for right now. I've got a few movies to watch, pages to make, and life stuff to do. Take it easy, everyone!

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